We can help you...
Uncover deep drivers of consumer and customer behavior
Translate behavior drivers into a robust portfolio of new ideas and growth platforms
Develop a repeatable & sustainable new product development process
Reimagine existing business models to optimize growth
The Creative Problem Solving method is critical to our organization. It was key to redesigning our New Product Development process, helped the cross-functional team work more collaboratively, and resulted in more strategic thinking. We use it formally in the NPD process and informally on a daily basis, making many meetings and projects far more productive.”
—Director, Continuous Improvement,
American Greetings
American Greetings
Create strategic retailer advantage and increase market share with a pipeline of innovation.
What we did
Designed unique insight approach to uncover deep consumer drivers. Trained entire business unit in Creative Problem Solving capabilities to enable continued development of new-to-the-world products.
An embedded innovation process, robust new-to-the-world product pipeline and sustainable $75 million business contributing to multiple account wins.
Pittsburgh Symphony
Get people thinking and acting differently to address the risk of over-reliance on the endowment.
What we did
Aligned senior management and staff on strategic direction, assessed the climate for innovation, and put initiatives in place to ‘unclog the arteries’ between departments.
Improved engagement, collaboration, and a radical leap beyond the non-profit mission to create a retail store that reduced dependence on the endowment.